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Grey County Riders Operating By-Laws.

1.  A Grey County Riders membership and waiver form is required and must be completed prior to riding at any 
      event, due to liability.     
2.  Pre registration and payment is required by the Friday at 12noon before the Sunday event.  Any entries submitted 
      after the deadline are subject to approval by the executive and a late fee of $25 will apply.  No day of entries will
      be accepted with the exception of already registered competitors adding additional classes.  Additional classes
       must be paid before the beginning of the class.  

3.  Refund policy:  After the deadline (Friday 12noon before the Sunday event) if a competitor cancels for any reason
      they may receive a refund of class entry fees only. Membership jackpot and sidepot entry fees are not refunded.          If  the event is cancelled by the executive pre-entered/paid competitors will receive a refund or a credit for the               next show.
4.   If you and/or your horse fall during your class during your active time, you will be disqualified.  If you fall off
      before the timer starts or after the timer is stopped, there is no disqualification.  Regardless of when you fall
      (including the warm up ring or outside the ring) you and your horse must be assessed before being allowed to
      continue to compete.  All falls will be reviewed by two (2) or more executives present.  If you or your horse fall
      twice in one day, you will be dismissed from the remainder of your classes for the day regardless.
5.   A horse may enter up to six classes per day with the exception of lead line classes.  A horse may not enter
      more than once in the same class.  This rule applies to jackpot classes as well.  For example:  a horse may go in
      junior barrels and senior barrels, and once in the open jackpot barrels, and could be used for leadline events.
6.  Points are awarded to horse and rider together as a team
7.  When horses enter or exit the ring they must be in control or they will be disqualified.  Please note that the
      entrance gate is a gate NOT a chute.  Gate must be closed after the competitor enters the ring before starting
      their pattern.  These are grounds for disqualification
8.  A competitor is allowed assistance to get their horse in the ring, however the "helper" must exit the ring before
      the competitor crosses the start timers.  If the helper fails to do so, this will result in a disqualification for the
9.  Anyone showing another club member's horse must also be a club member
10.  No alcohol consumption, no recreational and/or illegal drugs are permitted on show property.  As well no
       attendees may enter show grounds under the above influences at any event.  Executive reserves the right to 
       call the legal authorities
11.  A)As per WHOA rules any humane legal type of bit or hackamore may be used. Two (2) or more executive have the authority to remove or alter any piece of equipment.  Executive reserves the right to address any and all
       equipment/tack on competitors.
        B)Curb chains: all legal leverage bits require a legal curb strap or chain that must be at least 1/2"in width and                    must lay flat against the horse.  In a western headstall any "O" ring, "D" ring or egg butt snaffle must have a
            curb strap.  The responsibility for the correct attire and equipment rests with the competitor.  No wire tack, no              matter how padded, including but not limited to nose bands, bridles and head setters will be allowed at any                  Grey County Riders      events.
12.  Legal tie-downs are permitted in games classes only and must be PROPERLY fitted from nose to girth
13.  Show attire:  boots with a heel, jeans in good repair, button up/down collared shirt in good repair.  Any GCR                   top may be used instead of the collared shirt.  Helmets are strongly encouraged.  Failure
       to comply may result in disqualification.  Competitors under 18 years of age are required to wear a helmet by
       law.  Two (2) or more executives present reserve the right to assess a participant's attire. 
14.  In any event, any excessive use of spurs, over-unders, crops, whips or motivators can result in a
       disqualification at the discretion of two (2) or more executive members present.  Any excessive use will result
       in loss of points and/or jackpot monies, to be determined by two (2) or more executive present
15.  If you opt to wear a hat for games, there will be a 5 second penalty added to your time if your hat comes off
       and falls during your run
16.  Any club member lodging a protest must do so in writing, sign it and give it to an executive member before
       the end of the show
17.  Executive decisions made during any event are final.  Any person attempting to influence or interfere with
       the executive decision(s) may result in loss of points and/or jackpot monies, to which he/she was otherwise
18.  To be considered an executive member you must attend  50% or more of all meetings before the 1st (first)                       show of the current year and volunteer at 50% or more of shows or ride nights of the current year.
19.  Stallions may be shown only in our senior division
20.  The show committee reserves the right to change the running order of classes
21.  All lead line competitors must remain at a walk or trot only and cannot enter any other classes.  Lead line
       horses must have a halter and lead with the lead attached to the halter NOT the bridle.  You may have one 
       leader and up to two (2) side walkers.  Lead liners are not permitted to ride in the warm up ring
22.  Any knock down will be disqualification with the exception of barrels and poles *see below* where a 5
       second per knockdown will be applied to your time (in barrels if all 3 barrels are knocked over there is no
       time (disqualification) will be applied and in poles a knock down of 4 or more poles will result in a no time
       (disqualification).  **NOTE: competitors with knock downs in the jackpot events will receive a no-time**
        NOTE: competitors with knock downs in the jackpot events will receive a no-time**
23.  Horses and competitors must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete.  Any                    horse or rider deemed unfit or unsound by two (2) or more executive present will not be allowed to
        continue participation in the show. 
                     A) Fitness and competence- Participation in competition must be restricted to fit horses and riders 
                          proven of competence
                      B) Health Status - NO horse showing symptoms of disease, lameness, or significant ailments should 
                           compete or continue to compete if it's welfare would be compromised
                      C) Doping and Medication - Abuse of medication and doping is a serious welfare issue and will NOT
                           be tolerated.  After any veterinary treatment, sufficient time must be permitted for the horse's 
                           recovery before competition. 
24.  All participants are responsible for the behaviour of their horse(s) while on show grounds.  Any horse deemed
        out of control at any time by two (2) or more executive members present will be subject to a warning.
       Additional offences will be reviewed accordingly
25.  The practicing of any obstacle before a class may result in disqualification of that class
26.  Any act of abuse while on show grounds is grounds for disqualification by  two (2) or more executive members             present and you will be asked to leave the premises.  Executive reserves the right to call
       the legal authorities.
27.  Any competitor off pattern in a class will be disqualified.  This applies to all classes.
28.  Due to bio-security hazards, attendees are required to take their garbage and manure home or they will be
       subject to a $25.00 fee.
29.  Due to insurance restrictions, participants under 18 years of age cannot use elastics or anything that harnesses
        them to the saddle. 
30.  Grey County Riders adheres to the following Grey Highlands by-law:
                 Dogs:  No owner of a dog shall allow or permit such dog to run at large in the municipality of Grey
                             Highlands.  For the purpose of this by-law a dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found
                             in any place other than the premises of the owner, and not under the physical control of any
                             person by means of a leash held by said person.   



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